Welcome to the South Australian Railway Modeller’s Association website.
A New Exhibition Layout
Testing is well under way on the new club exhibition layout titled “Wilkins”. The location is meant to be in the Mid North of SA, at the moment the exact era is being worked on and will be revealed when the layout is first shown at the 2024 June Long Weekend exhibition!
A Busy Time
Members of SARMA have been busy over the last two years, when situations have permitted, extending the HO club layout and adding scenery to the N scale club layout. A perfect opportunity to see them in action is one of our open running nights. The third Wednesday of the month is the “Run anything, modelling and socialising” night and provides an opportunity for visitors to get to know the members and layouts in a friendly atmosphere. Below are some images of what you will see, though some scenes may take a keen eye to find!
Port Able.
The port extension is taking shape! Port Able is a movable extension that attaches off the middle of the HO scale layout. It features grain silos and a fuel depot.

N scale layout
Scenery on the N scale layout has progressed. The tiny population now have a place to live! Here are some views of the progress.

People on a layout
One thing that really helps a layout come alive is people. They carry out their mundane jobs and keep the industries working and live their lives out in miniature.